IT v kurze > Study > Software Testing

Software Testing

Moderated online education

We teach through the METIS Academy educational portal in a face-to-face (daily) form, during which there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in the virtual classroom, while the student can be in any place and is connected online.

Who is the training for?

For everyone who wants to learn the basics of software testing.

Entry profile/requirements/prerequisites

The ideal candidate has basic analytical and logical thinking, enjoys looking at problems from an algorithmic point of view, and thinks about how things work while thinking about how to simplify and automate them. He/she is also determined to work on himself. He/she tends to attribute non-zero weight to the quality of the product used and is able to focus not only on detail once, but also on the long-term improvement of the product under investigation.

The candidate should also be able to work efficiently with a computer, more precisely:

  • with the operating system,
  • with a text editor,
  • with the command line,
  • with a web browser.

Content of the course

  • Terminology used in software testing
  • Presentation of different types of tests
  • Test tools
  • Test scenarios
  • Preparation of test data
  • Life cycle of bugs
  • Bug reporting
  • Log analysis
  • Integration testing tools - calling exposed APIs
  • Testing frameworks and UNIT testing and comprehensive reporting in HTML and other standardized formats
  • Different strategies for locating web elements
  • Automated End to End testing in tools that are close to the most used programming languages (Java, Javascript)
  • Preparation of test data set
  • Cross browser testing
  • You will acquire soft skills in context
    • of communications and cooperation in the team
    • of presentation of the final product
    • of preparing for the interview

Output profile/acquired knowledge

By completing the educational program, you will gain knowledge and skills in various areas of software testing. You will know:

  • manually test any application
  • create test scenarios
  • different test creation techniques
  • you will master the tools for ticket tracking (entering, recording and tracing bugs), which are an integral part of the work of every tester
  • you will understand what REST API and integration testing are about
  • you will learn how to use integration testing tools (for testing REST and SOAP services),
  • you can perform basic database tests
  • you will control the most frequently used development environment
  • work with files for the transmission of messages over the Internet (xml and json), which enable the integration of systems
  • create Unit tests
  • use different search strategies for web elements
  • create automated End to End tests using multiple frameworks
  • and others...

This training is a part of:


