IT v kurze > Study > Soft Skills

Soft Skills

Moderated online education

We teach through the METIS Academy educational portal in a face-to-face (daily) form, during which there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in the virtual classroom, while the student can be in any place and is connected online.

Who is the training for?

For anyone who wants to improve their communication and presentation skills, learn their ideal role in a team, start planning their time effectively and learn to prioritize their activities, but especially for anyone who wants to get a new job and succeed in a job interview.

Entry profile/requirements/prerequisites

Regular PC user.

Content of the course

Knowledge and skills that will help overcome the most common obstacles in appropriate employment on the labor market, working in a team:

Communication skills and teamwork

  • communication - definition and types of communication
  • communication with a superior in a corporate environment (DISC)
  • bad communication habits
  • telephone communication - understanding the customer's needs
  • cooperation within the team
  • cooperation with internal clients

Presentation skills

  • presentations - definition
  • preparation before the presentation
  • the course of the presentation itself
  • contact with the audience
  • the most common mistakes
  • tips and tricks

Time management

  • what is time management
  • time thieves
  • why is prioritization of activities important
  • why is planning important
  • how stress affects us
  • time management tools

Resume - gateway to success

  • introduction
  • importance of resume in practice
  • resume structure
  • different forms of resume in practice
  • the most common mistakes in a resume
  • sample of a good CV
  • personal brand
  • LinkedIn
  • cover letter
  • tips and tricks

Preparation for a job interview

  • the process of applying for a job position
  • home preparation for the interview
  • frequently asked questions
  • telephone interview
  • on the day of the interview
  • at the job interview
  • after the interview
  • online interview

Output profile/acquired knowledge

A graduate of the training will be able to:

  • properly plan his time, determine priorities and effectively manage time at work and in private life
  • work in a team in a natural role
  • create own project, define new tasks and use a new user interface
  • recognize and use different communication styles
  • recognize and use effective verbal and non-verbal elements of communication
  • avoid the most common presentation mistakes
  • manage stressful situations
  • create a resume that catches the eye
  • prepare for a job interview
  • apply on the labor market and get a job corresponding to his knowledge, skills and ambitions
  • and much more...

This training is a part of:


