IT v kurze > Study > Programming Fundamentals

Programming Fundamentals

Moderated online education

We teach through the METIS Academy educational portal in a face-to-face (daily) form, during which there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in the virtual classroom, while the student can be in any place and is connected online.

Who is the training for?

For all those who want to later become experts in software development and testing in any field, or they need the basics for mastering further education.

Entry profile/requirements/prerequisites

Basic analytical and logical thinking is required, while the participant enjoys looking at problems from an algorithmic point of view. At the same time, he/she is thinking about how to simplify and automate things. Willingness to work on yourself is also a very important quality.

The candidate is also computer literate: he/she knows how to work efficiently

  • with a text editor
  • in the operating system
  • with the command line
  • web browser

Content of the course

  • Working in professional development tools such as:
    • development environments
    • graphic editors (Structurizer, yEd and others)
  • Problem specification and analysis
  • Design and implementation of simple algorithms, including:
    • creating flowcharts
    • creation of structurograms
    • creation of pseudocode
    • algorithm implementation in the Java programming language
  • Error identification
  • Algorithms - steps succession
  • Representations of algorithm notation: algorithm transformation
    • from the source code to the flowchart
    • from the flowchart to the source code
    • from the source code to the structurogram
    • from the structure diagram to the source code
  • The main building blocks of the Java language and an introduction to OOP (object-oriented programming)
    • definition (and declaration) of variables
    • constants in Java
    • decision blocks in the program (if, else-if, else, switch)
    • data processing in a cycle (while, do-while and for)
    • one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays as data structures
    • implementation of simple classes (constructors, instance variables, methods)
    • method design

Output profile/acquired knowledge

By completing the course, you will gain knowledge and skills in the field of design and implementation of simple algorithms and you will be able to:

  • analyze a problem and design an algorithm that solves it
  • rewrite the algorithm from text to graphic representation and communicate it in the team
  • implement the proposed algorithm in the form of simple console applications in Java
  • use the most widespread IDE environments
  • to break down any algorithm into smaller steps
  • design and create classes in Java containing constructors, instance variables and methods.

This training is a part of:


