IT v kurze > Study > METIS Academy German Language

METIS Academy German Language

Moderated online education

We teach through the METIS Academy educational portal in a face-to-face (daily) form, during which there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in the virtual classroom, while the student can be in any place and is connected online.

Diploma (after obtaining all of the certificates) 

MAD in German Language Proficiency

Who is the program for?

For all those who want to resemble a competent native user of the German language at the C1.2 level in their statements and written speech (achieving this language level is also linked to employment on the labor market => possessing this level of German language is in other than German speaking environment rare, the graduate will thus gain a huge competitive advantage for working in senior management in a German-speaking environment, or in a company in the Slovak Republic where German is also spoken in the management) regardless of whether they have any - or minimal - knowledge of the German language or they have been incorrectly presented/misunderstood the basics of German language and are at least a regular PC user. Also for all those who repeatedly or for a long time try to learn the German language, but so far without significant progress.

Entry profile/requirements/prerequisites

We assume the internal motivation of the participant to acquire quality foundations for reliable command of the German language, to penetrate the world of problem-free understanding and use of communication on general and professional topics in the German language, and later to pass officially recognized language certificates for the German language and/or build a career in senior management in German speaking environment, or in a company in the Slovak Republic where the management also speaks German.

Content of the course

Output profile/acquired knowledge

The graduate of the study will, in his statements and written speech, resemble a competent native user of the German language at level C1.2 (achieving this language level is also linked to employment on the labor market => possessing this level of German language is rare in a non-German-speaking environment, the graduate will therefore gain a huge competitive advantage for working in senior management in a German-speaking environment, or in a company in the Slovak Republic where German is also spoken in the management), which are necessary for achieving the next level of knowledge of German language, and will be able to:

  • use the German language in all situations at a level comparable to that of an educated person for whom German is their mother tongue, even on professional topics
  • understand written text, any spoken word, television and radio broadcasts and films in the German language on any topic literally and without thinking
  • communicate with colleagues or customers in German-speaking countries in German when solving professional tasks in any field at the highest level and without any preparation
  • expand your knowledge with professional facts and methods aimed at achieving the highest level
  • continue to expand knowledge of landscape science and intercultural knowledge at the highest level
  • and much more...

This program is a part of:

Price: 14 999€


