IT v kurze > Study > Java I.

Java I.

Moderated online education

We teach through the METIS Academy educational portal in a face-to-face (daily) form, during which there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in the virtual classroom, while the student can be in any place and is connected online.

Who is the training for?

For everyone who wants to learn the basics of software development in Java.

Entry profile/requirements/prerequisites

The necessary qualities of suitable candidate are analytical and logical thinking, while the participant enjoys looking at problems from an algorithmic point of view. At the same time, he is thinking about how to simplify and automate things. Willingness to work on yourself is also a very important quality.

The candidate also knows how to work on a computer:

He/she knows how to work effectively

  • with a text editor
  • in an operating system
  • with a command line
  • with a web browser

The candidate has successfully mastered the basics of programming and knows all the basic constructs of an (ideally object-oriented) programming language. He can analyse a problem, propose a solution in the form of an algorithm, can capture an algorithm using a flowchart and can create an executable program in one of the programming languages. 

Content of the course 

In this training, the candidate will become familiar with:
  • designing and developing software and the complexity of the software development process
    • including learning how to test and debug the created software
  • installation and configuration of the working environment
    • including learning how optimally set up the work environment for effective development of applications in JAVA language
  • you will advance especially in analytical, logical, algorithmic thinking and communication skills, since
    • you will design and create more than 100 applications,
    • you will work as a full-fledged member of the team, where you and your colleagues will participate in a large semester project
  • you will learn to use several of the most commonly used IDE tools:
    • IntelliJ
    • Eclipse
    • regex101- a tool for creating regular expressions
    • MySQL server client
  • you will improve your knowledge of such tools as:
    • TotalCommander - a tool for faster manipulation and management of files and directories
    • and various graphic editors
    • and many others. . .
  • you will learn several best practices in the field of software development,
    • you will learn to find, identify and analyse a problem , and subsequently propose and implement a remedy (so-called bug fixing)
    • you will learn to create so-called clean code
      • clear code thanks to its readability and structure, 
      • extensible thanks to the application of design principles and procedures
      • safe code thanks to the application of recommendations for writing safe code
    • principles and recommendations from the area of refactoring (the process of creating and maintaining clean code)
  • you will learn several techniques, principles and recommendations from the creation of documentation UML for the software system, namely the use of
    • language to capture components in software development,
    • writing user manuals and system manuals,
    • documentation from generating the source code
  • you will significantly improve your presentation skills, especially in the context of
    • communication and cooperation and in the team
    • presentation and defending the final product
    • presenting yourself and your work during interviews

Output profile/acquired knowledge

After completing this educational program, you will acquire knowledge and skills in various areas of programming. You will:

  • know how to use all the important principles and best practices of object-oriented programming
  • know how to use all the important constructs of the Java language, that will help you design and implement a large stand-alone application, which will be extensible, readable, robust and structured thanks to object features

You will also be able to work with:

  • exceptions
  • collections
  • generics
  • lambda expressions
  • input and output
  • strings
  • numeric data types
  • regular expressions
  • files and directories
  • database
  • design patterns
  • test frameworks such as JUnit
  • UML language
  • ...

This training is a part of:


