IT v kurze > Study > German Interview/Einführung+Office Specialist/Manager

German Interview (Einführung / Introduction)+Office Specialist/Manager

Moderated online education

We teach through the METIS Academy educational portal in a face-to-face (daily) form, during which there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in the virtual classroom, while the student can be in any place and is connected online.


MAC in German Interview/Einführung + MAC in Office Management

Who is the program for?

For anyone who uses a PC and wants to learn how to use it correctly and confidently, who wants to use it to communicate, effectively process, analyze and present information at a managerial level, improve their communication and presentation skills, learn about their ideal role in a team, start planning time effectively and learn to prioritize activities, but especially to get a new job and succeed in a job interview. For everyone who doesn't have any - or minimal - knowledge of the German language or has been incorrectly presented/misunderstood the basics of German language, or tried repeatedly or for a long time to learn German language, but so far without significant progress.

Entry profile/requirements/prerequisites

Willingness to learn in order to improve your knowledge and skills when working with a PC. We assume the participant's internal motivation to acquire quality foundations of German language.

Content of the course:

Output profile/acquired knowledge

A graduate of the educational program will effectively process information at an advanced managerial level and at the level of an experienced PC user will be able to:

  • choose a suitable computer and equipment from a wide range according to the price/performance criteria
  • fully and comprehensively equip the selected computer with software
  • safely work with data in both offline and online environments
  • write emails at a professional level in an official style of communication
  • browse the web safer and faster
  • find and work with network-connected devices (especially network drives and printers)
  • work remotely (home office) using a secure network via the Internet
  • create and edit documents
  • safely work with data in both offline and online environments
  • process the data in the form of a table
  • present yourself and the topic in a way that will suit the audience as much as possible
  • write and manage e-mails at a professional level in an official communication style
  • automate the formatting and processing of data so that it can focus primarily on content
  • strack changes in personal and team documents
  • create appearance templates that can be used with other documents
  • use frequently used functions in more complex formulas
  • introduce a system into the documents, thanks to which it will be possible to easily and quickly navigate through the entire content
  • to the extent possible, automate bulk content creation and data collection using forms
  • properly plan time, determine priorities and effectively manage time at work and in private life
  • work in a team in your natural role
  • create own project, define new tasks and use a new user interface
  • recognize and use different communication styles
  • recognize and use effective verbal and non-verbal elements of communication
  • avoid the most common presentation mistakes
  • manage stressful situations
  • create a resume that catches the eye
  • prepare for a job interview
  • apply on the labor market and get a job corresponding to knowledge, skills and ambitions
  • and much more...

A graduate of the educational program will understand all the basic laws of the German language, will have quality basics of grammar and general vocabulary at the A2 level (despite the seemingly "beginner" focus of the educational program), which are necessary for reaching the next level of knowledge of the German language, and will:

  • reliably use the basics of the German language
  • understand a written text on a general topic
  • identify and use strategies to establish contact with German speakers
  • manage communication in common and everyday situations with a German-speaking or writing partner and understand each other in a simple way
  • ask other people common questions and answer those questions
  • handle simple and slightly more complex situations when meeting somebody
  • basic grammatical phenomena
  • quickly learn new vocabulary and grammar
  • widely cover various areas: occupation, daily routine, free time, housing, etc.
  • handle real everyday situations
  • introduce yourself and other people
  • and much more…

This program is a part of:

Price: 5 499€


