IT v kurze > Study > Front-End Development

Front-End Development

Moderated online education

We teach through the METIS Academy educational portal in a face-to-face (daily) form, during which there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in the virtual classroom, while the student can be in any place and is connected online.

Who is the training for?

For all those who want to learn the basics of creating web applications, create presentation websites and know the principles of even more complex web applications.

Entry profile/requirements/prerequisites

Ordinary PC user who already knows how to use a computer correctly and with confidence and knows the general basics of programming common to all programming languages. If he/she already has some programming experience, it is only an advantage. Ideally, he/she has analytical and logical thinking, looks at problems from an algorithmic point of view, thinks about how to simplify and automate things, and is determined to work on himself.

A feeling for graphics and visual details is welcome.

The candidate should also be able to work efficiently with a computer, more precisely:

  • with the operating system,
  • with a text editor,
  • with the command line,
  • with a web browser.

Content of the course

Basics of creating web applications:

  • Creating a website in HTML 5
  • the latest version of the HTML language, which allows you to define the layout of text, graphics (images), multimedia (audio, video) or other page elements
  • Styling the page using CSS3
  • the latest version of the CSS language allowing to define the style (appearance) of any web page element
  • More efficient CSS writing with SASS
  • superstructure CSS language that make CSS simpler and more versatile - they add variables, operators, functions to CSS and allow nesting of rules - selectors
  • Using the Bootstrap library to create a website
  • allows you to create very easily responsive and therefore multi-platform sites, its popularity is mainly due to a new branch in development - the development of mobile applications
  • Basics of the Javascript language will bring dynamism to the site
  • Javascript brings dynamism, asynchrony and many other features to static pages that support the interaction of the website with the user
  • Basics of Javascript - jQuery libraries for easier work with Javascript
  • a library that simplifies (and also makes transparent) source code written in Javascript
  • Modern web application programming in ReactJS
  • framework (set of tools) for creating more complex and interactive web-applications

Output profile/acquired knowledge

The graduate of the training will master the basics of creating web applications, will know the principles of development and will be able to:

  • transform the graphic design into a functional website
  • create a website completely from scratch (HTML, CSS) or using various libraries (Bootstrap, jQuery, ReactJS)
  • technologies that are currently used to create modern websites and more complex web applications
  • how to structure files so that they are easy to find and logically connected
  • how to make a static page dynamic and include user interaction (Javascript, jQuery, ReactJS)
  • how to identify errors and solve problems
  • what style and standards to follow when writing code
  • how to dynamically work with data (REST)
  • and others...

This training is a part of:


