IT v kurze > Study > Databases


Moderated online education

We teach through the METIS Academy educational portal in a face-to-face (daily) form, during which there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in the virtual classroom, while the student can be in any place and is connected online.

Who is the training for?

For everyone who wants to learn the basics of working with databases.

Entry profile/requirements/prerequisites

Experienced PC user, or Excel user, who is interested and enjoys working with data - their recording, processing, selection, and who would like to raise their knowledge to a higher level. The ideal candidate should have good logical thinking, creativity, algorithmic thinking and should be interested in the topic of database.

The candidate should also be able to work efficiently with a computer, more precisely:

  • with a text editor
  • in an operating system
  • with a command line
  • with a web browser
Content of the course
  • Motivation for the creation of database systems
  • Installation and configuration of the MS SQL database system and the database client
    • different options how to "get" a database server
      • local installation
      • cloud provider
  • Basic database objects and data types
  • SQL language and its parts
    • DDL - for the definition of objects in a database (e.g. creating tables)
    • DML - for CRUD operations over a database
  • Filling a database (insert) and updating data in a database (update)
  • Basic selects for selecting data from a database
    • filtering
    • selection
    • data transformation
    • data queuing
  • More advanced selects for selecting data from a database
    • joining several tables (joins)
    • data aggregation
  • Set operations
  • The design of a database model and its drawing in the form of a diagram
    • design of tables, their attributes and relationships between tables
  • Integrity, referential and domain constraints in databases
  • Import and export of data - e.g. in a CSV format
Output profile/acquired knowledge

The student will acquire all the main knowledge in the field of relational databases. The student will learn to correctly design and draw a database model. The student will learn the SQL language and practice his/her knowledge on many examples, where he/she will practice inserting and updating data in a database, selecting data from a database and various methods of processing this data. He/she will handle aggregation operations on data in relational storage, grouping, ordering, filtering data according to criteria, joining tables (using all JOIN operations) and much more. In addition, the student will master SQL operations that modify data in a database, such as insert, delete and modify operations.

This training is a part of:


