IT v kurze > Study > Computer Networks

Computer Networks

Moderated online education

We teach through the METIS Academy educational portal in a face-to-face (daily) form, during which there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in the virtual classroom, while the student can be in any place and is connected online.

Who is the training for?

For everyone who wants to learn the basics of working with computer networks.

Entry profile/requirements/prerequisites

An experienced PC user who already knows how to use a computer correctly and confidently at an advanced level in the command line, knows the general basics of programming common to all programming languages, efficient handling of files and directories in the Windows operating system, or versioning of files/directories using GIT technology. He also masters the basic constructions of any of the programming languages - sequence, branching, cycle and typical file formats (XML, JSON, CSV).

Content of the course 

A detailed look at these topics:

  • Motivation and starting points for the Linux operating system
  • Basics of virtualization and containerization - presentation of Docker technology
  • Basic terms and relationships, installation and configuration of Linux in a Docker container
  • Working with the Linux system - movement in the directory structure, search
  • Defining permissions for users and groups
  • Administration/management of operating system processes and tasks
  • Studying manual pages, advanced functions of Linux tools designed for reading text
  • Diagnostic tools for working with text
  • Multiple chaining of commands in the command line - using the Pipes & Filters pattern
  • Redirection of error output to STDOUT
  • Principles for file rights, authorization diagnostics, change of owner and file access
  • Hard vs. symbolic links, aliases, .bashrc file
  • Effective work in the Vim editor
  • Commands for network configuration diagnostics - hostname, ping, telnet, etc.
  • Generating foreign key and public key, copying keys
  • SSH connection using putty, passphrase, tunneling
  • How to run background processes, how to suspend them and cancel them completely
  • Advanced commands for network configuration diagnostics - traceroute, netstat, etc.
  • RSA algorithm and the issue of foreign and public key
  • Differences between HTTPS and SSH
  • Known hosts file, .ssh directory, authorized_keys file
  • The cert and curl command in a security context
  • How data is stored in blocks and how it is indexed
  • Archiving as a typical process in the commercial sphere as well as its technical aspects

Output profile/acquired knowledge

The graduate of the training will have basic knowledge and skills in two different network platforms/operating systems - Unix and Linux - and will be able to:

  • find out various data about network and non-network elements of the operating system, their settings and mutual interaction
  • install and configure one of the most used Linux operating systems on the Docker container platform
  • work with various tools for working with text and managing users and groups in this system - grep, less, more, wc, awk, Vim editor, chmod, chown
  • work with diagnostic tools over the network infrastructure - traceroute, netstat, wget, ping, telnet, hostname, traceroute, netstat
  • establish secure communication over the network using current security measures
  • the issue of foreign and public key
  • RSA algorithm
  • differences between HTTPS vs SSH
  • known_hosts file
  • .ssh directory
  • authorized_keys file
  • cert and curl command in the context of security
  • and much more…

This training is a part of:


