IT v kurze > Study > C# I.

C# I.

Moderated online education

We teach through the METIS Academy educational portal in a face-to-face (daily) form, during which there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in the virtual classroom, while the student can be in any place and is connected online.

Who is the training for?

For everyone who wants to learn the basics of software development in C#.

Entry profile/requirements/prerequisites

As an ideal candidate, you have basic analytical and logical thinking, you enjoy looking at problems from an algorithmic point of view, you think about how to simplify and automate things, and you are determined to work on yourself.

The candidate has learned the basics of programming and knows all the basic constructs of any programming language. He/she understands flowcharts and can create an executable program in his/her favorite development IDE.

The candidate should also be able to work efficiently with a computer, more precisely:

  • with the operating system,
  • with a text editor,
  • with the command line,
  • with a web browser.

Content of the course

During the training, you will learn the entire C# programming language from basics to advanced features of the language. The theory is supplemented by a number of practical examples, on which you will learn the material well. It is the quality and quantity of review tests and homework that makes this training special. The training is created for the needs of the real world and administrative practice so that the transition into practice is as most fluent as possible. Concepts are explained gradually from simple to more complex so that the student is not overloaded with new information. Important concepts may be repeated during the course in order for the student to master them thoroughly.

A very important part of the training is the final project, which gives the student the opportunity to work on an assignment for a real application. During the solution of this project, the student cooperates with other students under the supervision of an experienced lecturer. Such a style of work gives the student the opportunity to learn from the lecturer and also to be motivated by cooperation with other students.

Basics of C# programming:

  • Development tools for C# - Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code
    • Configuration of the working environment for development in C#
  • .NET and its various parts (.NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Standard)
  • Introduction to object-oriented programming and creating program logic
  • Data types, arrays and lists
  • How to use C# classes, interfaces, generics, collections, exceptions, LINQ
  • Work with files, streams and different types of data
  • Using GIT source code control systems
  • Various programming techniques that allow creating even more complex programs
  • Complete software development process
    • creating a fully functional and debugged application based on the specification
  • Improving algorithmic, analytical and logical thinking
    • application implementation
    • team projects
  • Best practices
    • search for and subsequent removal of errors in the system (so-called bugfixing)
    • clean code - clear, structured, self-describing, safe and extensible
    • basics of refactoring

Output profile/acquired knowledge

The graduate of the training will master the basics of programming in the C# language and will know:

  • how to proceed when creating a program for a specific assignment
  • what is object-oriented programming
  • how to create console applications and libraries
  • how to access data in a database and in a file from a C# program
  • find your way around a larger project and implement extensions
  • how to create so-called "unit tests"
  • and others...

This training is a part of:


