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How we educate 

Moderated online education

Our education is mainly aimed at acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary for the performance of a specific job position in the field of software development, but also at achieving a certain level of skill with PCs, or to acquire knowledge in a certain IT domain together with the soft skills needed when applying for a job, as well as at acquiring knowledge of German language. It is designed in two 5-month semesters (September-January, February-June) per year.

We educate through the METIS Academy educational portal (every student gets access in the form of online. During joint seminars, exercises and consultations, there is direct communication and interaction of the student with the lecturer and with other students in a virtual classroom, while the student can be at any place and is connected online.

The intensity of education is 3 hours a day on weekdays (two lessons a week), but depending on the duration of the training, it can exceptionally be only 1.5 hours a day (one lesson a week). It is also possible to study while working. In the case of 5-month INTENSIVE training programs (two 5-month training programs running concurrently, one of which is always an Office Specialist/Manager - these meet the requirements of the Labor Office for their reimbursement to unemployed job seekers via KOMPAS+), or the combined study of IT and German language is the intensity of education 6 hours a day during weekdays.

Who is the study intended for?

Our study is intended for everyone who is interested and eager to learn, regardless of the level of current IT knowledge, or of the German language knowledge, and for anyone who wants to use the acquired knowledge when working, especially in the IT field or in a management position, with the aim of obtaining an above-standard evaluation. At the same time, the student will save a lot of time every day by not having to travel for our education and in the future wants to be able to work in the same mode, while fulfilling study obligations at a time that suits him. In this way, he will get a quality education that will enable him to get a job in IT after only 5 months and earn above-standard, while having the opportunity to continue our education in addition to employment, e.g. in the 2.5-year METIS Academy Software Engineer study, and thus gain a significant competitive advantage on the labor market. Most often, our students are:

1. Employed:

  • without IT experience, who want to change their work focus and start their career in IT,
  • with IT experience who want to improve the level of their IT knowledge and grow in their career,
  • using a computer at work, who want to control it perfectly and thereby make their work more efficient,
  • using the German language at work, while its insufficient knowledge does not allow them to work fully and grow in their career.

2. Unemployed, who are registered at the labor office and thus have the opportunity to request from the labor office the Reimbursement of course fees by the labor office via KOMPAS+.

3. Students:

  • high school students who do not want or do not have the opportunity to continue their studies at a university,
  • high school or university students who would like to connect or expand their field of study,
  • university students who found out that the focus of their current studies is not right for them,
  • students studying at a college/university abroad who have decided to return to Slovakia and want to start a job in IT as soon as possible.

4. Slovaks living or working abroad:

  • and regardless of their current profession, they want to start their career in IT,
  • who want to work with a computer effectively even in a management position,
  • who need to improve their German language skills.

5. Parents on maternity leave

How we teach

  • Teaching can take place on any (even every) work day, depending on the chosen education programme, in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  • The professional part of the education focused on a specific job position or a foreign language consists of two eight-hour lessons per week, which are spread over four to five days.
  • Each of the lessons consists of some or all of the following compulsory activities/activities:
    • theoretical preparation for the webinar,
    • webinar (new curriculum and practical solution of real examples from practice),
    • work on assignments and tests,
    • consultation (clarification of all ambiguities connected with the discussed topic as well as the correct solution of tasks),
    • project work (individual or team).
  • Each activity/activity consists of one or more mandatory and/or optional tasks, is moderated, includes consultations with the lecturer, individual and group work of students and takes place:
    • at a predetermined time (webinar)
    • after agreement with the lecturer in the agreed form and at the set/agreed time (consultations)
    • during a predetermined period but at any time (other activities/activities and tasks)
  • In addition to the professional part of education focused on a specific job position or a foreign language, students can also simultaneously complete:
    • general professional part,
    • soft skills training,
    • preparation for a job interview.
  • Teaching takes place under the guidance of high-quality and qualified lecturers who help with every assignment and task.
  • This method of performing assigned tasks is close to a real work environment.


Webinars are similar to a video call, the lecturer is connected with the students online and shares his screen while explaining. During the webinar, students can discuss individual topics with the lecturer or write to each other via chat. All they need is an internet connection, a computer and headphones. You can join from any location. The minimum technical requirements are easily met.

Assessment and certification

  • The student receives a Certificate of Completion of the course, training, training package, educational program or study upon successful completion.
  • Successful completion of the 5-month educational program, if it is part of a larger education, is a necessary condition for further continuation of this education.
  • The student will automatically receive the METIS Academy Certificate (MAC) without further certification examination after successfully completing the 5-month training program and at the same time fulfilling all the following conditions for each training separately:
    • at least 80% participation in classes (excused non-participation in the webinar due to work responsibilities and completing it at a different date or in offline mode is not considered non-participation in classes),
    • a maximum of 20% of excused non-participation in classes,
    • no unexcused absence from class,
    • passing all mandatory tasks and completing each one of them at least with 50% and on average at least with 65%,
    • completion of the final test at least with 65%,
    • completion of the final project at least with 65%.
  • After obtaining all professional certificates during the comprehensive professional study, the student will receive the METIS Academy Diploma (MAD) in the field on which the study is focused.

Training providers

IT v kurze supports the acquisition of key competences, especially for applicants for (new) employment in the financial field as well, in the form of a lower registration fee, with the option of choosing the number of installments (without increasing the course fee, i.e. with the total price of education unchanged) so that the lowest monthly installment - as well as a registration fee - is a maximum of EUR 290 (with the possibility of deferring the payment of these monthly installments for the unemployed). 5-month educational programs allow you to start a career in IT as soon as possible, which is why IT v kurze focuses on short-term education of up to 1 year.

TRY IT is a provider of the METIS Academy educational portal and educational content, focusing mainly on comprehensive education in the form of studies from 1 year.

Education (i.e. content of individual trainings, method of teaching, assessment and certification, contractual partners) is the same regardless of the training provider.

Work placement and employment

  • Our students can take part in an internship with our corporate partners, or they can receive a job offer from them already after the first 5 months of education, and they can continue their studies alongside employment.
  • The internship takes place directly in the IT company that is our contractual partner and can take the form of:
    • classic internship lasting 1-12 months,
    • 3-month trial period after being accepted into employment for an indefinite period,
    • annual fixed-term employment contract.
  • Internship or job offer, represents a benefit with high added value for our graduates and is a reward for active and smart students.
  • The starting salary is €1100 - €1400, an additional salary for the knowledge of German language is min. €400.
  • Our contractual partners are very interested in our graduates, especially with this profile:
    • Košice (IBM)
      • Software Tester with German language
    • Banská Bystrica (IBM)
      • Office Specialist/Manager with German language
    • Bratislava (Accenture, IBM)
      • Java Developer Junior
      • C# Developer Junior
      • Front-End Developer
      • Software Tester

 If a sufficient number of students are interested, educational programs can also be implemented in classrooms in each regional city (Trnava, Bratislava, Nitra, Trenčín, Žilina, Banská Bystrica, Košice and Prešov). For more information, do not hesitate to contact us at any time.