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Frequently asked questions

Get to know all the possibilities, progress and advantages of a professional IT study with IT v kurze - we have prepared an overview of the most frequently asked questions and specific answers to them.

1. How does studying in IT v kurze differ from other online IT learning platforms?

In order to become a real IT specialist, you need to invest the necessary amount of time and activities in studying and development. In contrast to other providers of IT online courses, we offer our students a long-term study aimed at acquiring real IT knowledge, comparable to studying at a university. The length of the study is a minimum of 5 months (specific job position – Java Developer, C# Developer, Front-End Developer, Software Tester) and a maximum of 2.5 years (Software Engineer). The study takes place in the form of a moderated online education, thanks to which it is possible to study from anywhere and at your preferred time (except for joint webinars and consultations).

2. Who is our study intended for?

Our study is intended for everyone who is interested and eager to learn, regardless of the level of current IT knowledge, or of the German language knowledge, and for anyone who wants to use the acquired knowledge when working, especially in the IT field or in a management position, with the aim of obtaining an above-standard evaluation. At the same time, the student will save a lot of time every day by not having to travel for our education and in the future wants to be able to work in the same mode, while fulfilling study obligations at a time that suits him. In this way, he will get a quality education that will enable him to get a job in IT after only 5 months and earn above-standard, while having the opportunity to continue our education in addition to employment, e.g. in the 2.5-year METIS Academy Software Engineer study, and thus gain a significant competitive advantage on the labor market. Most often, our students are:

1. Employed::

  • without IT experience, who want to change their work focus and start their career in IT,
  • with IT experience who want to improve the level of their IT knowledge and grow in their career,
  • using a computer at work, who want to control it perfectly and thereby make their work more efficient,
  • using the German language at work, while its insufficient knowledge does not allow them to work fully and grow in their career.

2. Unemployed, who are registered at the labor office and thus have the opportunity to request from the labor office the Reimbursement of course fees by the labor office via KOMPAS+.

3. Students:

  • high school students who do not want or do not have the opportunity to continue their studies at a university,
  • high school or university students who would like to connect or expand their field of study,
  • university students who found out that the focus of their current studies is not right for them,
  • students studying at a college/university abroad who have decided to return to Slovakia and want to start a job in IT as soon as possible.

4. Slovaks living or working abroad:

  • and regardless of their current profession, they want to start their career in IT,
  • who want to work with a computer effectively even in a management position,
  • who need to improve their German language skills.

5. Parents on maternity leave

3. What if I have no previous IT experience or IT education - can I start studying in IT v kurze anyway?

We have created the study of IT v kurze so that it is not tied to previous IT experience or IT education. The study is therefore suitable for anyone who is genuinely interested in acquiring professional IT knowledge and becoming an IT specialist. Basic knowledge of PC is a prerequisite for studying.

4. How do the lessons take place and how much time do I have to devote to studying?

Teaching takes place in the form of a moderated online education. You work on various tasks and assignments on the METIS Academy educational portal, and you also regularly participate in joint webinars and consultations. Webinars (on average 3 webinars per week) and consultations (each webinar includes one consultation) have a fixed time. At least three hours a day must be devoted to studying. In the case of intensive programs, which are a combination of two educational programs and are intended for the unemployed, it is necessary to set aside at least six hours a day for studying. Except the fixed time of webinars and consultations, you will complete other tasks and assignments at any time.

Since all the activities take place online, you can complete them from any place (your room, favorite cafe, office, or an exotic beach on the other side of the world) whenever you have a moment of free time. In this way, you can make full use of the time you set aside for the studies.

5. If I am a beginner in IT, which study program is suitable for me (or for whom is which study program suitable)?

Each educational program is suitable even for a complete beginner, and after its completion, the graduate is ready to perform the job position for which the program is aimed. All IT education programs are included in the 2.5-year software engineering study.

The right choice for a beginner who wants to work in IT:

  • Software Tester
  • Front-End Developer
  • Software Engineer

Minimum programming experience is an advantage for:

  • Java Developer Junior
  • Java Developer Medior (TRY IT) / Java Developer Medior (IT v kurze)
  • C# Developer Junior
  • C# Developer Medior (TRY IT) / C# Developer Medior (IT v kurze)

For general PC use in any area of life or work:

  • Office Specialist/Manager

6. What is a webinar and how does it take place?

A webinar is an online seminar at a predetermined time. Both the students and the lecturer sit at their PC in any place and through a video call the lecturer presents a new topic (lecture) and the students communicate with the lecturer and with each other while working on assignments, while the lecturer shares his screen. Each webinar includes one consultation.

Each webinar is recorded, the video recording is made available to students immediately after the end of the webinar, so in case of non-participation, the student has the opportunity to watch the webinar from the recording.

7. Is it necessary to purchase any literature?

No, after starting the course, the student gets access to the METIS Academy educational portal, where he can find all the necessary study materials. Access to the educational portal, content, including videos from webinars will be available to the student for the entire duration of the study and at least 6 months after the end of the education.

8. What are the minimum technical requirements?

You can find a detailed overview of the minimum technical requirements necessary for functional online study here.

9. Is it possible to study from abroad?

Yes. Thanks to the moderated online form of study, you can study from any place. The only condition is a functional internet connection.

10. Are the studies in Slovak and/or English language?

Yes, studies at IT v kurze are conducted both in Slovak language and in English language. You can choose which language you would like to study in.

11. Can I improve in another foreign language during my studies?

Yes. For our students, we have brought the possibility of professional study of the German language, because the combination of IT knowledge + command of the German language is currently in high demand within IT companies and brings our students an additional advantage when applying to the IT labor market both in Slovakia and abroad.

12. Will I receive a certificate / certificate of completion after completing the studies?

Yes. Each successful graduate of the study receives a Certificate of Completion this is also a necessity for continuing in the next semester of study).
Graduates who also meet more demanding conditions will receive the METIS Academy Certificate (MAC).
Students who obtain all certificates during the 2.5-year Software Engineering course will receive the METIS Academy Diploma (MAD).
You can find more detailed information in the separate section Assessment and certification on the page How we educate.

13. What are the conditions for obtaining a Certificate of Completion?

In order to obtain a Certificate of Completion, it is necessary to successfully complete the course. Successful completion of the course is understood as the fulfillment of the following conditions for each training separately:

  • at least 80% participation in classes (excused non-participation in the webinar due to work responsibilities and completing it at a different date or in offline mode is not considered non-participation in classes),
  • completion of all mandatory tasks and their fulfillment on average to at least 50%.

14. What are the conditions for obtaining the METIS Academy Certificate (MAC)?

The student will automatically receive the METIS Academy Certificate (MAC) without further certification examination after successfully completing the 5-month training program and at the same time fulfilling all the following conditions for each training separately:

  • at least 80% participation in classes (excused non-participation in the webinar due to work responsibilities and completing it at a different date or in offline mode is not considered non-participation in classes),
  • a maximum of 20% of excused non-participation in classes,
  • no unexcused absence from class,
  • passing all mandatory tasks and completing each one of them with at least 50% and on average with at least 65%,
  • completion of the final test with at least 65%,
  • completion of the final project with at least 65%.

An alternative to the METIS Academy Certificate obtained in this way is the successful completion of a separate certification exam in the same field and at the same level.

15. In what cases can the applicant/student take the certification exam?

An interested party can take the certification exam if they are interested in:

  • confirming their knowledge in a specific area without completing a 5-month educational program,
  • participation in a follow-up program,
  • improvement of the achieved evaluation in the already completed program.

A separate certification exam is charged and is not included in the course fee.

16. Is it possible to continue studying after completing one of the educational programs/trainings/training packages?

Yes, after successfully completing any education, students have the opportunity to continue their further studies under favorable conditions, e.g.:

  • after completing the Experienced PC Manager training package, the student can continue with the 5-month Office Specialist/Manager training program, while the amount already paid (for Experienced PC Manager) is deducted from the price of this more extensive training (Office Specialist/Manager) or
  • after completing the 5-month Java Developer Junior educational program, the student can continue with the 1-year Java Developer Medior study, while the amount already paid (for Java Developer Junior) is deducted from the price of this more extensive education (Java Developer Medior) or
  • after completing the 5-month Software Tester training program, the student can continue with the 2.5-year METIS Academy Software Engineer study, while the amount already paid (for the Software Tester) is deducted from the price of this more extensive training (METIS Academy Software Engineer).

The student can deduct the already paid amount once during the entire period of education.
If the student decides to continue with a more extensive study, he only completes the uncompleted part of the study.

17. What are my options for employment on the labor market after successfully completing the study at IT v kurze?

Our education is aimed at acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to perform a specific job position in the field of software development, as well as to achieve a certain level of working with a PC, or to acquire knowledge in a certain IT field together with the soft skills needed when applying for a job, as well as to acquire knowledge of the German language.

For IT employers, this attractive combination of professional IT knowledge, communication skills and a foreign language is a key advantage for our graduates in successful employment in the IT field. More than 90% of our graduates get a well-rated job practically immediately after graduation.

18. Will you help me with my job search and preparation for a job interview?

Yes. Thanks to significant long-term partnerships with top Slovak and international IT companies, we are able to help our graduates both with the job search and with preparation for successful entry job interviews.

19. When is a student entitled to a discount countdown?

We open the course twice a year, always in February and September. Specific start dates are listed for each program. The student automatically receives a discount for early registration. The condition for applying the discount is to fill out the Binding Application and pay the course fee, or its parts (enrollment). The discount countdown applies only to the first registration for our education (it is most advantageous to register immediately for a more extensive or complex study with a one-time payment) and does not apply to 5-month INTENSIVE educational programs.

20. Is it possible to get a discount for recommending our study?

Yes, if our student or graduate recommends our education to a new student, the student/graduate will receive a reward in the form of a discount on one of our courses, in the amount of 10% of each amount paid by the new student. The student/graduate can use this discount for themselves or can transfer it to any third party with the same parameters, i.e. also for a new student.

The condition for obtaining a referral discount is to state the name and surname of the student/graduate in the Binding Application.

21. What is the maximum amount of the discount?

Discounts cannot be combined. The maximum amount of the discount is 10%.