Quality education is a necessary requirement for an attractive and well-paid job

The goal of our education is to prepare applicants for a specific job position in the field of software development through 5-month training programs Software Tester, Java, C# and Front-End Developer, while Office Specialist/Manager includes the general skills needed when working with PCs, especially in managerial positions , which, in combination with knowledge of the German language, are increasingly required not only by IT companies. We will help to improve work with a PC (training packages - how to use a PC correctly and confidently, communicate through it, effectively process, analyze and present information at a managerial level), deepen knowledge in a certain area of IT (training - databases and computer networks) and acquire soft skills (communication and presentation skills, teamwork and time management, preparing for a job interview and creating an impressive resume) needed when applying for a new job.

The increased demands on new employees contributed to the fact that we created a new 2.5-year software engineering study and a 3-year German language study, which can be applied for by individual semesters or years, while they can also be completed simultaneously. Our students can take part in an internship with our corporate partners, or they can receive a job offer from them already after the first 5 months of education, and they can continue their studies alongside employment.

We educate through the METIS academy educational portal, you can study from any place (an internet connection is enough) and at any time (except joint webinars). The teaching takes place under the guidance of our high-quality and qualified lecturers (professionals from practice), who help with every assignment and task, while this method of completing assigned tasks is close to a real work environment. The study always starts in September and February and it is necessary to devote 3 hours a day to it, which is also possible in addition to employment. In the case of INTENSIVE educational programs, which are a combination of two 5-month educational programs running simultaneously, the intensity of education is 6 hours a day (these meet the requirements of the labor office for their reimbursement to unemployed job seekers via KOMPAS+).